WCUC 20th Anniversary Celebration Partner — Sold to Sicredi
NEW! 20 years ago the first World Credit Union Conference was held bringing together credit union professionals from around the globe. This year, we celebrate a vicennial of collaboration while exploring the past, present and future of the global credit union movement.
WOCCU is offering one company the chance to join us in celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the World Credit Union Conference. Don’t miss the opportunity to co-host this important milestone, highlighting your own organizations’ successes and plans for the future.
Our exclusive WCUC 20th Anniversary Celebration Partner will receive the following comprehensive package:
- On-Site
- 2 Minute Remarks on the General Session Stage on Monday, 14 July
- Welcome Letter Sponsorship – your logo and recognition as Celebration Partner on the letter each attendee receives when checking in to their hotel
- Opt-In Attendee List with Emails*
- One (1) 9m x 9m Island Booth in Premier Location in Exhibit Hall (a $14,000 USD value)
- Ten (10) Attendee Registrations (a $21,500 USD value)
- Four (4) Tickets to the WFCU Unwind Event on Monday, 14 July (a $1,600 USD value)
- Logo displayed on Thank You Sponsor Signage at Event
- Four (4) Floor Clings placed throughout the venue (a $2,000 USD value)
- One (1) Floor Cling placed in front of your booth recognizing you as Celebration Sponsor (a $500 USD value)
- Two (2) Push Notifications on Conference App (company to select which day they would like distributed)
- Pre Conference
- Special recognition with logo in the Know Before You Go Email sent to all attendees one week prior to the conference
- Top tier Logo placement on conference website and conference app
- Special Celebration Partner Call Out with top listing in Vendor Spotlight Email (Sent Two Weeks Prior to conference)
- Inclusion in all Celebration related social posts across World Council’s channels
- One (1) Platinum Digital Retargeting Advertisement Campaign (100,000 impressions, a $7,500 USD value - learn more here)*
- Special recognition with logo in the Know Before You Go Email sent to all attendees one week prior to the conference